This term we have been learning all about the longfin eel. Our assembly item was based on the story Vvet and Elvis. This was a story about the migration journey that the longfin eel takes.
Click here to view our Te manga class assembly blog post
I have created 3 different digital learning objects (DLO) to share my learning on this topic. The first is a poster that I created in my topic book about the challenges to the longfin eel. Deb took a photo of my poster.
I created a longfin eel life cycle using google drawings.
I also made a google poster to share five interesting facts about the longfin eel.
I felt nervous I had to read a book whaea was sharls was in the library I learnt to embed a video on to my blog I learnt to read to my chrome book.
I am learning to use the banish boring words resource to help me t use more interesting words in my writing check out the quality words I choose for fast slow and big
Last Tuesday our class was going to Waitangi to learn new things. I got to school early at 7.30 I was so excited!!! When I got to school we had to line up for the bus. I couldn't wait, when the bus got to school I rushed into the bus and off we went. Then we were off to Waitangi.
When we arrived at Waitangi I saw Whaea Monika and Whaea Kerry. I zoomed off the bus then Whaea Monika and Whaea Kerry greeted us. We all lined up then I zoomed upstairs and had a glimpse at the photos in the art gallery. When we opened the door to the room I saw all the sparkly technology and the bright colourful bean bags then I peeked at the green screen.
Second we went to sit down on the mat I felt excited I felt happy’ and magical. next Caitlyn came in to see us and she handed out some mysterious rocks the old rocks were 700 years old the newest rocks were 500 years old. The old rocks were ruf and the newest rocks were a little bit smooth.
Then we went for a play on the field we played chantag’ hare in the fare then we did a offline activity when we had to sout numbers to 1 to 50.
Then we did scratch and we put our background in and my eel then me as an sprite. we went to finish of our scratch to make it look cool the hardest thing in scratch was doing the coding because I didn't no witch button to click.
In the holidays I had a birthday and I invited Kahi and Charlie before we went to the beach I opened my presents and then we went to the warehouse to get movies and xbox1 games. And then we went home to put the trailers on’ the the motorbikes were in the trailer then we went to the beach when we got to the beach we loaded the bikes of the trailer. Next we went around the sand track when we got onto the beach we drive down the beach a little bit when we found a spot we stopped and set everything up and I turned my KX 65 off there there were heaps of lollies and fizzy’s and I ate heaps after that we went to play in the sand June's. we slide down the hill on the bogyboards next we went swimming there were big waves and we played in the waves it was fun. And we set the torpedo and we caught 2 kawai and my sister was on the bike and toud us on the bogyboards after that we all went back to the truck. And put all the bikes on the trailer and went home and played games and watched movies. When I was at the beach on my motorbike I did some wheelstands and skids I even did some jumps in the sand june’s I did dounts to. At home we played on the nintendo switch we took to trailers to the beach. We ate cake at home.