
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Te Whare Tui camp

My camp highlights was everything because everything was cool. When I was doing slippy hockey I kept on slipping over. When I got the ball I ran to the goal with the ball to get a goal. When I went on the water slide I Zoomed down it and hit the bean bag.When I was in the hall playing ping pong heaps of people lined up to play it was the first one to three I beat everyone. When we went down to the beach we dug a big drain it looked like a dinosaur.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Rugby World Cup 2019 - England

There are 55.62 million people in England the capital city is London. The main language is English, the major religion is Anglican and the name of the rugby coach is Eddie Jones.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Manaiakalani Film Festival - Te Ahu - 7th November

Today we went to the Manaiaklani film festival we walk past the red carpet and gold chains in through the door. When we got in there we sat down on the red colourful sets. I felt exited we had to wait for one more school when they arrived we started to watch the films. our film was could mums school we were vsing heaps of other cool films our film came second place. After the films we were so good that we went to get MC Donald's. I got a ice cream it was delicious when we were finished we went back to school and we had morning tea and a play.
   Click on my link to watch the Manaiaklani Film Festival