
Sunday, April 7, 2019

Te Manga Assembly - The Very Hungry Kina

As I was waiting for my time to shine there were butterflies doing loop de loops in my stomach. When it was my turn to preform I was more nervous then I thought. When I was out there I was swaying my arms. I was green kelp, I was dark green and light green and I was wearing a green t-shirt. When the music came on I had to put my glasess on and do cool dances. I did the orange Justice and heaps of the other Fortnite dances. When the music stopped I had to go back to being a normal kelp. I was with Mason T, Charlie, Koda, Jai and Kiarn. I heard people laughing, narrators talking, audience clapping there hands and music. I could  see fluro orange crayfish, kina fisherman, a diver, spotties, snapper anfd crayfish snipping their hands. I felt nervous and exited and I wanted to run away.  I was happy that my mum came. At the end there was a happy dance when I was swaying my arms slow in the air at the end we did one more big dance and then we did a big bow.

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